Labour In Chains

Excruciating, agonizing, piercing labours she managed one early morning,
In Bedford Hills Correctional facility, Tina was shackled, chained,
grabbed by handcuffs. Guards commute her to the hospital, lay her
at the bar of the gurney, but never thought of releasing her, at least while giving birth.

In the same society, a pregnant woman is attended with care,
“Are you eating properly ?”, “Hey, the baby kicked!”,
Doctor’s appointment, exercise: dreams in its full form
Same time-span, contractions and delivery,
But  one  is treated with handcuffs,
Just a tinch of crime scar on a woman.

Convicted for drug offense, Jacqueline faced the circumstances.
Her handcuffs were linked with a chain around her waist
clamped together over the sutured incision,
while she was delivering: what an irony!  

Despite a state law against shackling pregnant inmates,
often disregarded senselessly
How can a woman escape in chronic pain, or during delivery ?
Is the shackling really needed before, during or after a woman giving birth ?

Country of astutes!
Astutes, who are originated from the same womb,
forget they are the cells  now developed;
forget that the men bring women to such stage, unreasonably !
make brutal laws to make the country perfect.
Country perfect! developed! people wretched, wept.


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