
Showing posts from November, 2013

My Favourite Indian Maestros

    Since my specialization is in music, I always want me to listen to different kinds of musicians or instrumentalists and their music, to enhance my classical knowledge and notes-accuracy, as I've been told from my own teachers that listening adds up to better singing. In fact, listening to classical music is more beneficial in singing than just practicing rigorously. The more we listen, more musical notes are grasped in our brains which leads to better perception while singing.     My teachers always insisted me that I should listen to different classical artists but initially I neglected their advises, as I found the classical singing boring and hackneyed. I pushed myself towards listening and issued the cassettes from the audio library but they were nicely kept in my bag at home for three days when I went back to reissue them. Gradually, I understood the importance of listening by my own introspection and interests, when I started atten...